Executive Diversity Services designs and delivers diversity/inclusion, cultural competency and multicultural training sessions and leads organizational development, team building and conflict management programs for government agencies, police departments, not-for-profit organizations and major US and global corporations.
Our Inclusive Circles™ process is a powerful approach to helping companies increase productivity and profitability by creating more inclusive environments.
You can’t fix it if you don’t know what’s wrong. We work with leadership to identify areas of improvement and conduct quantitative and qualitative research to develop a strategic approach to organizational initiatives.
Are your leaders and teams competitive in a global world? Executive coaching and team building to thrive in a global economy and create dynamic, successful, diverse teams.
Culture has the biggest influence on conflict style. Learn skills to de-escalate potentially dangerous situations.
Retreats led by one of our facilitators are fun, energizing, interactive, rewarding and productive. Our speakers have been praised as “best I’ve heard,” “entertaining and practical” and “interactive and thought-provoking.”
Our design and delivery of training programs are grounded in research and application from the fields of multicultural communication, social psychology and adult learning, which translates into success for you.